Guest Post: Dealing With Loneliness & Grief During the Holidays
The following post was written by a listener of the podcast from Buena Park, California! From time to time, I will share guest blog posts that have been submitted to me by listeners of the podcast or readers of the blog. I encourage anyone out there who wants to contribute their stories of healing, growth, or to advocate for an issue near and dear to their heart, to submit blog posts, audio, or even Instagram reels/other video to me for review. I would like this to be a place for all of us to share our thoughts.
The post below raises awareness about a very important issue that many people face during the holiday season. While this season is a time of joy for many, there are many others who have either lost most of their family members or friends, or are estranged from family. This can cause loneliness and grief to increase during the season, and is not often discussed in the media. Let’s keep them in mind as we navigate this season! And if you are also experiencing feelings of loss, grief, or loneliness during this season, please know that you aren’t alone!
Guest Blog Post by Bob from Buena Park, California
As we approach the holiday season, one of the lesser discussed issues is the plight of the elderly or those who are now in a spot where they must navigate through what is billed as a joyous and jubilant time while in a circumstance of loneliness and solitude. Throughout our lives, many of us are geared toward good cheer and the bliss of being with family and friends during this time. However, for the many people out there who have lost most of their relatives and/or friends, the holidays can be a very lonely and sorrowful time, leaving them only able to lean on past memories and often wishing for the celebrations to be over.
Sometimes, people in this situation are overcome with depression and sorrow, often causing them to take drastic and, at times, deadly measures to stop their suffering. We need to stop and take the time to recognize that these folks matter and be sympathetic to their situation. I in particular have found myself at the crossroads of such an existence but was fortunate enough to cling on to friends and remaining family members to pull me through. I can look at a holiday such as Thanksgiving and realize that chances are my meal that day may be purchased at Del Taco. I am at a place where I realize I am lucky, as many have no choice. Being focused on the reason for each holiday helps me to cope, as I have much for which to be thankful.
I guess what I’m really hoping is that when you have a chance, and see someone who is struggling this holiday season, to make it a point to extend a smile, a greeting, or some gesture of kindness that they can keep with them in their hearts. We all need love and if you have any to spare, the lonely in our midst could really use it to stay motivated to carry on and find ways in their being to reap optimism. Remember, all of us could be in that position. As a wise old man once said ” The love you take is equal to the love you make” – Sir Paul McCartney 1968.